During my college days,I used to see IT field as a ticket to quick money as there were of numerous tales of people going onsite and earning in euros and pounds.When I actually joined IT,I came to know that the truth was far from reality. It is such a kind of industry where you can need "DIVINE PROVIDENCE" in order to strike gold.Here are the 3 pros and cons of IT industry.
1)Air conditioned offices with coffee vending machines, high speed internet connection, some worldly "beauties" to stare at and flexi timings!
"When you feel like working,the whole office environment conspires against you to make you sleepy"
What else do you need after an engineering degree?? :D
2)Travel around the world(if your lucky) and interact with people around the globe.Only a service industry can give that amount of exposure.
3)You master the art of "Googling". :)
1)You are just another brick in the wall.Almost every btech guy you meet turns out to be a s/w engineer.
2)No use of brains in most the projects(support/maintainance types),though common sense is an absolute must!
3)If you stick to the same company for long even your colleagues will doubt your calibre and you would see your package increasing in Arithmetic progression where the common difference is in fraction!
Inspite of all the all the odds,I feel an IT job is a very good option for the tech freaks.Its better to fix null pointer exceptions sipping cappuccino than sweat it out in some odd field job!!!
I would definitely like to join back IT firms in some business consulting role post my MBA.