The whole world is a myth and every assumption is superfluous.Hostel nightouts are supposedly considered to be a solid way to squander time and even i used think so when in college.My whole thinking process went for a toss when i started working.The meetings are just a way to "chillax" and serves little purpose.The minutes are religiously maintained but never re-visited after the meeting is over.Just look at people's faces attending the meeting,they'll look like so coporate honchos attending some board room meetings.But their mind will be as blank as an empty black box.
They sip coffee,jot down notes with much fanfare and suggest some preposterous ideas which they think would even make Edison die in shame.After suggesting an idea they would look around with a lot of hope for some acclamation but who the hell would utter even a single word of praise for really some "Out Of Box" ideas.
At least during college night outs,you speak a lot of crap but atleast 10% of it is useful stuff.The audience participating in such "freaky" talks are generally geeks.Even if they speak crap,you can get something good out of it.The scenario is completely the reverse in corporate life apart from a few "genuine" gems.
But It's not fair to completely lambast at all coporates,it's generally some "royal" few who spoil the broth.At times,it's good learning too.But overall,I strongly believe universities are better learning "temples" than corporations.No wonder,almost 90% of innovations come out of universities and not corporations.It's the universities that power corporations and not vice versa.