I spent almost half a lakh rupees for preparation and buying the forms.Slogged my a@# for 1 complete year and at the end of 1 year had eggs to hatch,all credit to the 3lakh strong "frustu" indian candidates.Luckily,I managed 3 calls XIMB,SP Jain and IIM Shillong by virtue of some academic/extracurricular stuff.
Before call:
1)Open pagalguy.com everyday in office
2)Open timesofindia.com,beta.hindu.com,livemint.com,nytimes.com in office.
3)Come back to home,slog like a donkey.
4)On weekends,waste your time on "stupid"coaching classes because you have paid for it.
5)After may,write aimcats every week and get screwed every time,no matter how much you prepare.
After Call:
Shit!!!Now,I realize,MBA is completely a different stuff,not just about QA,DI and VA.
Why MBA?Why IM?Why not MS?What are your long terms goals? such deadly questions start haunting you after you get a call for any b-school.You start showing deep interest in Indian Socio,economical,political,legal and technological issues.
The call ratio will leave you completely dumb!!!
SP Jain:10:1 ratio...for 40 seats in Information Management,400 calls.
XIMB:180 seats...900+calls....ratio much better...........
IIM Shillong:20:1 ratio...60 seats..1100+calls(seats supposed to double this year....)
Lady luck helped me crack XIMB but SHE wasn't very generous with me today.
Today,I got kicked off from SP Jain group interview........no clue why???????
With 1 year of efforts,I have just one egg to sit on and hatch and that's XIMB.
Really never thought of in cl-12 while giving AIEEE exams that engg degree is good for nothing!!!!!
But feeling really happy........I won't have to give these "stupid indian entrance exams" any more in future!!!!!!!!